What is a “Warrior Accountant” and 3 Reasons to Become One

Author avatarArun Mathur ·Jan 27, 2025

Have you heard the term “Warrior Accountant”?

Until recently, I hadn’t either.

So what is a warrior accountant, and why might someone want to become one?

In today's dynamic business landscape, professional accountants are increasingly called upon to go beyond traditional financial reporting. Shareholders and consumers are increasingly demanding accountability beyond legal requirements, and companies are compelled to report on social metrics and set ambitious targets for social change. This shift emphasizes "purpose over profit," urging organizations to consider the welfare of employees, customers, and the broader community. We are transitioning from a shareholder centric business model to a multistakeholder business model.

So where do accountants fit into this evolving landscape?

Traditionally, accountants have adopted a defensive position regarding environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, mostly focusing on preventing reputational damage. Now, however, accountants are being called upon to take an offensive position, actively championing organizational ESG performance and transparency.

As a result, it seems that a new breed of accounting professionals is slowly emerging.

Carol Wilding, FCPA, FCA, president and CEO of CPA Ontario, underscored the transformative potential of these “Warrior Accountants.” By standardizing measurements of social risk reporting, these accountants can provide tangible evidence of corporate pledges, effectively bridging the gap between theory and action.

While some folks believe that the accounting profession will become less relevant over time with the rise of AI and technology, I’m excited about the potential of these emerging technologies on the accounting profession. They present CPAs with an exciting opportunity to redefine their roles and make a meaningful impact amidst the transformation.

If you’re a CPA, here are three reasons you may want to consider becoming a Warrior Accountant:

  1. Championing Purposeful Business: As stakeholders demand greater transparency and accountability, CPAs have a unique opportunity to champion purpose-driven business practices. CPAs can lead the charge in advocating for organizations to prioritize social and environmental impacts alongside financial performance. This shift towards a stakeholder-centric approach not only enhances corporate reputation but also fosters long-term sustainability and resilience.
  2. Driving Strategic Decision-Making: CPAs play an important role in guiding strategic decision-making within their organizations. By actively engaging in risk assessment and mitigation, staying on top of evolving reporting standards, and forecasting future trends, CPAs provide valuable insights that go beyond the balance sheet and income statement. Through their strategic foresight, Warrior Accountants can help shape business strategies that align with ESG principles, driving financial success for their organizations today and in the future.
  3. Leading Change and Innovation: Embracing the Warrior Accountant mindset empowers CPAs to lead change and foster innovation within our organizations. By developing, implementing, and evaluating ESG measurement metrics, CPAs can spearhead initiatives that drive measurable social and environmental impact. We can leverage our leadership skills to establish performance management systems, collaborate across departments, and communicate the company's ESG narrative effectively. By championing innovation and driving organizational change, CPAs can position themselves as trusted advisors and drivers of progress.


Specializing in this kind of work gives CPAs the opportunity to elevate their roles beyond traditional financial functions. We can make a tangible difference in creating a more sustainable and responsible business world. We have an opportunity to contribute towards solving the climate crisis that the whole world is facing and to leave the world a better place for our children and grandchildren.

I truly believe that accountants can become catalysts for positive change in our evolving world, shaping businesses that prioritize sustainability and social responsibility. This will require courage, the willingness to learn new skills and the ability to collaborate effectively with other disciplines.

As the guardians of financial integrity, advocates of ethical conduct, and protectors of the public interest, we can embody the ethos of the Warrior Accountant – not just stewards of wealth, but stewards of a better world.

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